(Please see below for English translation)
Vremenska situacija z jugozahodnim vetrom je omogočala hiter štart pilotov, ki so proti prvi točki pri avstrijskem Laasu leteli skupaj, po privetrnih pobočjih, vse dokler jim ni načrtov v Ziljski dolini prekrižala dokaj močna ploha, ki se je pomikala od italijanske Paluzze proti severovzhodu. Nekateri piloti so se takrat obrnili in leteli nazaj proti vzhodu, ostali pa so počakali, da se ploha umakne in nadaljevali pot proti obratni točki. Ta del današnje naloge se je izkazal za ključnega, saj je Jerneju z NL uspelo obrniti točko kot prvemu, vsi ostali pa so imeli kar nekaj težav, saj so vzhodno in jugovzhodno od točke padli nivo nižje, kar jim je onemogočilo hitro napredovanje. Eden od pilotov je tam tudi izvenletališko pristal, pri čemer smo veseli, da je bilo z njim in z letalom vse ok. Nekaj drugih je tam po več kot pol ure borbe, da bi ostali v zraku, uporabilo pomožni motor, ki jim je pomagal pri povratku domov. Od Laasa so se nato piloti, ki so vztrajali na nalogi, obrnili proti severovzhodu, proti naslednji točki “Berg”, ki je bila postavljena na severnem robu doline reke Drave. Od tu naprej večjih težav niso več imeli, držali so se grebenov, izpostavljenih JZ vetru in zelo hitro napredovali do Dobrača, kjer so nabrali višino za preskok v Karavanke in nato praktično brez kroženja do naslednjih obratnih točk na Košuti, Javorovem vrhu, prek letališča do Mojstrane in nato prek Ajdne nazaj na letališče. Prvi je ciljno linijo prečkal Jernej (NL), skoraj pol ure pred drugouvrščenim Mariem Kiesslingom (I) in tretjim Lukom Žnidaršičem (LZ). V točkah so bili še Boris Žorž (BL), David Bauder (DC), Gintas Zube (AR) in Patrick Puskeiler (K1), ki pa si je nabral že skoraj uro zaostanka za Jernejem. Osmoljenec dneva je prav gotovo Guido Achleitner z letalom AS33 (MR), ki je sicer ciljno linijo po odlično odleteni nalogi prečkal kot drugi, vendar se je kasneje izkazalo, da je napačno štartal, zaradi česar se mu let skladno s pravili ni mogel priznati. Zvečer je sledila razglasitev najboljših in piknik v klubski brunarici. Za jutri je vremenska napoved slabša, z možnimi močnejšimi nevihtami. Hvala Borisu in Tilu za fotke, ki sta jih naredila med letom!
The weather situation with a southwesterly wind allowed for a quick start of the pilots, who flew together towards the first point at the Austrian Laas, along the windward slopes, until a fairly strong shower moving from the Italian Paluzza towards the northeast disrupted their plans in the Gail Valley. Some pilots then turned around and flew back east, while others waited for the shower to pass and continued towards the turning point. This part of today’s task proved crucial, as Jernej (NL) managed to turn the point first, while the others encountered difficulties as they descended to a lower level east and southeast of the point, hindering their progress. One of the pilots outlanded there, and we are glad that he and the plane are okay. Several others fought to stay airborne for over half an hour before using their auxiliary motors to return home. From Laas, the pilots who continued the task turned northeast towards the next point “Berg,” located on the northern edge of the Drau River valley. From there, they had no major difficulties, sticking to the ridges exposed to the SW wind and quickly progressing to Dobratsch, where they gained altitude to cross into the Karawanks mountain range and then, practically without circling, to the next turning points at Košuta, Javorov Vrh, over Lesce airfield to Mojstrana, and then over Ajdna back to the airfield. Jernej (NL) crossed the finish line first, almost half an hour ahead of the second-placed Mario Kiessling (I) and third-placed Luka Žnidaršič (LZ). Others in the points were Boris Žorž (BL), David Bauder (DC), Gintas Zube (AR), and Patrick Puskeiler (K1), who was almost an hour behind Jernej. The unluckiest of the day was certainly Guido Achleitner with his AS33 (MR), who crossed the finish line second after an excellent flight but was later found to have started incorrectly, invalidating his flight according to the rules. In the evening, the winners were announced, and a picnic was held in the club hut. Tomorrow’s weather forecast is worse, with possible stronger thunderstorms, so pilots de-rigged their gliders. Thanks to Boris and Tilo for some great photos taken from the cockpit!