(see below for English translation)
Ponovno smo se zbudili v oblačno jutro in kar nekaj časa je trajalo, da so se začeli prebijati prvi sončni žarki in da so se baze oblakov začele dvigati. Pozen štart in nekoliko slabše vremenske razmere od pričakovanih, so tudi botrovali spremembi naloge najprej iz A v B in nato še v C, z znižanjem štartne višine na 1400m QNH. Piloti so za razliko od včerajšnjega dne pred štartom brez večjih težav ostajali v zraku, čeprav povsem brez truda ni šlo. Zato je ob odprtju štartne linije večina pilotov na nekaj manj kot 160km dolgo nalogo štartala dobro, z zadostno višino. Zapodili so se iz smeri Tržiča, ob pobočju Dobrče, tako da smo jih tudi z letališča lahko odlično videli. Nato pa proti zahodu, prek Dobrača do točke zahodno od njega. In nato po isti poti nazaj, do Tržiča, nato pa prek Brezij, Bleda in Most, še na “častni krog” okrog letališča. Zmaga je šla tokrat na Poljsko, Stanisławu Bieli, drugo mesto je osvojil francoski pilot Gilles Navas, tretje pa Nemec David Bauder. Vsem pilotom čestitamo za včerajšnje dosežke!
We woke up to a cloudy morning again, and it took quite some time for the first rays of sunshine to break through and for the cloud bases to start rising. The late start and somewhat worse weather conditions than expected led to a change in the task, first from A to B and then to C, with the start altitude reduced to 1400m QNH. Unlike yesterday, the pilots managed to stay in the air before the start without much difficulty, although it wasn’t entirely effortless. Therefore, when the start line opened, most pilots started the task, which was just under 160km long, with a good altitude. They took off from Tržič, along the slopes of Dobrča mountain, so we could see them well from the airfield. Then they headed west, across Dobrač to a point west of it. They then returned along the same route to Tržič, and then across Brezje, Bled, and Moste, for an “honor lap” around the airfield. The victory went to Poland’s Stanisław Biela, the second place was claimed by French pilot Gilles Navas, and third place went to German David Bauder. Congratulations to all the pilots for their achievements yesterday!